Goucher faculty have a well-earned reputation as great teachers and mentors, but they are also incredibly active in scholarship and creative endeavors. Below you will find a list of just some of the 2024 publications, presentations, performances, and exhibits from our talented faculty.
Dawley, Evan. Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, Research Fellowship for Taiwan, 2024-25
Harder, Bill. 2024–2025. Civic and Voter Education Fellow in Deliberative Dialogue. Project Pericles.
Kasniunas, Nina, TaChalla Ferris, Bill Harder, Daniel Marcus, Jard Paolini, Siobahn Stiles, Dani Tekhle, and Kimberly Vasquez. 2024. “Speak Up, Speak Out: Empowering Student Voices Around the 2024 U.S. Election” Project Pericles – Back to School for Democracy Collaborative Fellowship Grant.
Jones, Sylvia. 2024. Television Fathers. Meekling Press.
Martin, Florence. 2024. Farida Benlyazid and Moroccan cinema. Palgrave Macmillan.
Pinsker, Sarah. 2024. Haunt Sweet Home. New York: Tordotcom, Tor Publishing Group.
Rauwerda, Antje. 2024. Slow Time. New York: Spuyten Duyvil.
Bess, Jennifer. 2024. "The "Crisis" of Native American Mobility: Border-Crossing and the Influence of International Relations on Indian Policy, 1896-1898." Pacific Historical Review 93(2): 169-201.
Bess, Jennifer. 2024. “How the Stories Should Be Told: Re-righting History in Canyon de Chelly, Navajo Nation.” Oral History Review 51(1):6–29.
da Rosa, J. A. 2024. “Twenty-Years of Anti-Climate Change and Anti-Evolution Education Legislation in the United States.” Science Education.
Nkengbeza, S. N., N. L. Mesame, E. T. Ngansop, R. N. Makak, J. A. da Rosa, P. F. Tumenta, E. E. Abwe, E. D. Nana, and E. B. Fokam. 2024. “Effects of Human Disturbance on the Endangered Preuss’s Monkey (Allochrocebus preussi) in the Ebo Forest, Cameroon: Implications for Conservation.” Tropical Conservation Science 17(1):1–16.
Regitsky, A., and J. da Rosa. 2024. “Extreme Heat Adaptation in Urban Areas: A Comparative Case Study of New York City and New Orleans.” Local Environment 29(10):1363–83.
Theisen, J. Graham, Draheim, Amanda A, Angela Darosh, Lawrence C. Layman, and Lara M. Stepleman. 2024. "Transgender identity genetic research: Attitudes, opinions & beliefs among members of the transgender and gender diverse communities." International Journal of Transgender Health.
Martin, Florence, and Patricia Caillé. 2024. “Langues Minoritaires à l’Écran: Mémoires et Revendications.” Mise au Point 19. September.
Martin, Florence, and Patricia Caillé. 2024. “Introduction.” Special issue of Mise Au Point: Langues Minoritaires à l’Écran: Mémoires et Revendications.
Narock, T., S. Pal, A. Arsham, A. Narock, and T. Nieves-Chinchilla. 2024. “Classifying Different Types of Solar-wind Plasma with Uncertainty Estimations Using Machine Learning.” Solar Physics. Accepted September 2024. In press.
Pal, Sanchita, Luiz F. G. dos Santos, Andreas J. Weiss, Thomas Narock, Ayris Narock, Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Lan K. Jian, and Simon W. Good. 2024. “Automatic Detection of Large-scale Flux Ropes and Their Geoeffectiveness with a Machine-learning Approach.” The Astrophysical Journal 972(1).
Mithu Dey; Lucy Lim; Denise Dickins; Lesia Quamina. 2024. "Skills Required to Succeed in Public Accounting: Perceptions of Black and White Accountants." Accounting Horizons 38 (1): 69–78.
Cottle, Katherine. 2024. "Mel Gibson’s Visceral Vision: Exploring Recovery from the Human Condition." Pp. 101-120 in A Critical Companion to Mel Gibson, edited by Adam Barkman and Antonio Sanna. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Oweidat, Lana and Tamara Issak. 2024. “Fulfilling Allah’s Trust: Rhetorics of Amannah as a Foundation for Social Change.” Pluriversal Literacies: Tools of Perseverance and Livable Futures, edited by Ellen Cushman, Romeo García, Damián Baca. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Turner, Rory. 2024. “Communitas and Practice in the Baltimore Rhythm Festival.” Pp. 131-138 in Egalitarian Dynamics: Liminality, and Victor Turner’s Contribution to the Understanding of Socio-historical Process, edited by Bruce Kapferer and Marina Gold. New York: Berghahn Books.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “ ‘He has great pleasure in seeing the performances of other people’: Austen's Men and the Arts.” Pp. 218-31 in The Edinburgh Companion to Jane Austen and the Arts, edited by Joe Bray and Hannah Moss. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Duncan, Ann W. Review of The Making of Ex-Christian America by Stephen Bullivant, The Journal of the American Academy of Religion, February 2024.
Ingram, Mark. 2024. “Review of Death of a Traveller: A Counter-Investigation by Didier Fassin, trans. Rachel Gomme (2021).” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 30(2):18–19.
Adkins, M. & Sutherland, D. (2024, March 14-16) Supporting Conditionally Certified Teachers in Maryland [Conference Presentation]. Association for Education Finance and Policy Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Ahearn, Elizabeth. 2024. “Pilates—A Somatic Education: Pedagogy and Practice.” National Dance Education Organization.
Chou, Clay “Flavorful Recipes and Parent’s Cooking: Parent-and-Daughter Relationship in Asian-American Women Writers’ Literature,” 2024 AAS-in-Asia Conference, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 9-11, 2024
da Rosa, J. A. 2024. “Trends in 20-years of Anti-Climate Change and Anti-Evolution Legislation in the United States.” 104th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting.
da Rosa, J. A. 2024. “Survive and Thrive: Applying Maslow to the Development of Environmental Field Courses in Higher Education.” 2024 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Duncan, Ann W., Panelist, “A Roundtable on Birthing the Maternal Turn in Religious Studies: Experiences in Studying, Teaching, Researching, and Publishing,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Antionio, TX, November 2023.
Duncan, Ann W. “From Free Mom Hugs to Banned Books: Motherhood as Political Identity in the United States,” International Association for Maternal Activism and Scholarship Annual Conference, Boston, MA, June 2024.
Ghirardelli, Thomas G., Amelia Lazzini, and Maia Strelow. 2024. “Evidence of the Testing Effect from frequent low-stakes testing.” Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Ghirardelli, Thomas G., Sam Byrne, Laura Juda, Matthew Scott, Marissa Spacht, Amelia Lazzini, and Maia Strelow. 2024. “Do irrelevant size singletons capture attention in a grasping task?” Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Harder, Bill, and Matt Van Hoose. 2024. “Centering Study Abroad in General Education Design and Faculty Development.” NAFSA Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. May 30.
Ingram, Mark., Co-presenter: Kathryn Kleppinger. Discussants: Sylvaine Guyot, William Poulin-Deltour Institute of French Studies (NYU) Book Discussion: The Marseille Mosaic: A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures
Ingram, Mark., Kathryn Kleppinger, Elisabeth Dorier, Anissa Bousmah, Fabrice Lextrait, Jean-Christophe Sevin, Nicolas Maisetti, Vincent Geisser, and Todd Shepard “The Marseille Mosaic”: A MucemLab roundtable book discussion with French and U.S. contributors, Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations
Ingram, Mark, and Rebecca Free. 2024. “Marseille: Laboratory of New Artistic Perspectives on the Environment?” 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA. February 23.
Kimball, Danny. 2024. "The Convergence of Energy and Internet Infrastructure: The Smart Grid and the Internet of Things." Paper presented at Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference: Boston. March 17.
Martin, Florence. 2024. “Kaouther Ben Hania: Pour un Cinéma Transnational Féministe d’Intervention.” 20th and 21st Century French & Francophone Studies Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA. February 22.
McCabe, Jennifer A., Vanessa A. Cisse, Hannah K. Erlbaum, Belle D. St. Jean, Jessica A. DeKoven, Mariah S. Lees, Erica T. Adamson, Tsivya H. Laurence, and Samantha A. Widenhouse. 2024. “Whose Class is it Anyway? Effects of Narrative Voice in College Syllabi.” Eastern Psychological Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. March 2.
Ridgeway, Sadie., 2024. “How Weight Discrimination Harms Health In Young Adults” Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “Recognizing Oscar Fay Adams as Austen's First Critical Editor and Biographer.” British Association for Romantic Studies Conference, Glasgow, UK. July 23.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “ ‘The first ever held in honor of the great English novelist’: The 1951 Frostburg Jane Austen Festival.” Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing Conference, Reading, UK. July 1.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “Reading Communities / Communities of Reading” roundtable. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada. April 5.
Ingram, Mark, and Kathryn Kleppinger. 2024. “Marseille: Diversity Beyond the Myths.” States. A Creative Magazine by Villa Albertine 2: 97-104.
Martin, Florence. 2024. “Four Daughters is a Tunisian Masterpiece: What Makes the Film Groundbreaking.” The Conversation. March 8.
Oweidat, Lana. 2024. “Dismantling Islamophobia: Ethical Engagement in Anxious Spaces.” St. John’s University, NY (Virtual). April.
Ridgeway, Sadie, and Aleksey Reshetnikov. 2024. “Libraries as a Social Determinant of Health.” Invited presentation for the Health Policy and Law Student Organization in the School of Public Health and the Alumni Medical Library, Boston University. Virtual.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “An Early Reader of Austen in North America: Christian, Countess of Dalhousie.” Jane Austen Society – Scottish Branch, Dunfermline, UK. July 20.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “A New Jane Austen: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist.” Jane Austen's House, Chawton, England. July 14.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “A New Jane Austen: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist.” Jane Austen Society of North America – Central Virginia Region (Virtual). June 1.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “A New Jane Austen: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist.” Jane Austen Society of North America – New Jersey Region, Princeton, NJ. August 17.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “A New Jane Austen: How Americans Brought Us the World’s Greatest Novelist.” Jane Austen Society of North America – New York Metropolitan Region, New York, NY. September 14.
Wells, Juliette. 2024. “A Lively Mind: Jane Austen at 250.” Jane Austen Society of North America – New York Capital Region, Lake George, NY. August 24.
Baron, Robert. 2024. President of ICH NGO Forum, Providing Advisory Services to the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Faculty members, please submit your scholarship to be included on this website. We will update this webpage twice a year. If you
have any questions, please contact cast@images-collector.com.
Four Goucher College faculty members from a range of liberal arts disciplines have been promoted with two of them receiving tenure.
Four Goucher College faculty members will embark on a Year of Exploration as the 2024 recipients of the Myra Berman Kurtz Fund for Faculty Research and Exploration of the Sciences (KRES Fund).
Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations Julie Chernov Hwang has been selected as a 2024-25 Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholar. Chernov Hwang will use the fellowship to build a database for conducting research on how ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Indonesia's Jemaah Islamiyah construct terror cells.
Goucher faculty consistently contribute scholarship and creative work through papers, books, and more. This roundup details just some of the publications and artistic offerings from the last year, with highlights from the fields of economics, professional and creative writing, theater, and anthropology.
Creative Writing Assistant Professor Edgar Kunz released his second book of poetry, Fixer, with Ecco/HarperCollins on August 22.